5 Ways To Increase Work Productivity


Do you want to start maximizing your time so you can achieve more at work? You want to work more efficiently and increase your output?

Jumia Travel shares 5 ways you can achieve that and increase your work productivity.


Know How Much Time You’re Spending On Tasks And How Much Time You Actually Need To Spend On These Tasks.

A tool like RescueTime can help you track the amount of time you are spending on tasks. When you are able to gauge how much time you spend on tasks, you will be able to determine the tasks that, in terms of time spent, you’re being excessive with.

It will help you know how to limit your time spent on these tasks and add the leftover time to those tasks you are having difficulty accomplishing because of lack of time.

Think Of Ways You Can Work Smarter Not Harder

“Working smart is harder than working hard; it’s just less visible…” Working hard can mean putting in longer hours at work or packing more into your already full calendar to complete your work, amidst interruptions from colleagues who pop in from time to time to chat and occasional meetings that have become not so occasional.

In the end, you can still end up being swamped and struggling to meet up with deadlines at the 11th hour.

On the other hand, working smart can be minimizing or cutting out interruptions by leaving the office early to get to a place where you can focus on time-sensitive projects without interruptions and get it done in time.

So, sit and think of ways to work smarter and get your work done efficiently.


Stop Multi-Tasking (In The Traditional Sense)

What this means is that you should stop trying to do multiple tasks at the same time, which is the traditional belief about what multi-tasking is about.

Rather, think of multi-tasking as completing multiple tasks in a day instead of at the same time. Commit to a single task before moving on to the next one.


Take Breaks

Take short breaks especially during long tasks. You might think this is counter intuitive but working continuously without break causes your level of performance and productivity to decline.

The mistakes and errors you are prone to make in the process, which can cause you to begin all over again, should also be considered.

Liven Your Work Environment (Increase Your Happiness Quotient)

Put up a picture of a loved one or friend, outfit your table or office with aesthetically appealing items, things that can give you something to look at and put a smile on your face while working.

These things help to relieve some of your stress and tension.Putting up things at work that make you happy and relaxed can subtly increase your comfort and help you increase your work productivity.

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