AfCTA: Treaties hurt Nigeria – Airline operators


The Airline Operators of Nigeria (AON) has commended President Muhammadu Buhari for hearkening to the concerns of airlines, manufacturers and the economic community by pausing to sign the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) treaty due to be signed by African Heads of State in Kigali, Rwanda.

Buhari had at the last minutes called off the trip to Kigali while putting the treaty on hold to enable more consultation from stakeholders.

Chairman of AON, Capt. Nogie Meggison while briefing newsmen noted that more often than not some treaties have put Nigeria in disadvantaged positions as they continue to hurt the economy.

Therefore, there is always the need to consult far and wide, weigh the merits and demerits of any treaty to see how it would benefit Nigeria, he said, adding the country must be put first.

“There are many treaties we have signed that are hurting us. We must start to put Nigeria first. Signing it is not the problem but what you want to achieve,” he said.

Making reference to the aviation sector, he said, “Signing treaties is one of our crimes in aviation,” saying many bilateral air service agreements (BASA) the country signed were not mutually beneficial.

Meggison said one of the treaties signed by the country which ceded Bakassi Peninsula to Cameroon has become an albatross which the country now regrets. He therefore commended the Federal Government for not rushing to sign the agreement.

He said, “I will like to on behalf of AON and other well meaning investors and entrepreneurs and other professional bodies that believe in Nigeria and have invested and continue to invest in Nigeria to thank the President for taking a bold step to make a difference by not only taking on board our recommendations but also taking a strong decision to pause in the signing of the AfCFTA Treaty.”

Source: Daily Trust