NSE’s Share Index Drops as Airtel Africa Enjoys Profit

Stock Exchange Resumes Week With Bullish Sentiments, As Investors Gain N20bn

On Friday, the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) Market’s All-Share Index (ASI) dropped by 305.

BizWatchNigeria recalls that on Thursday, market-wide circuit breaker was intiated when the ASI rose beyond the set threshold of 5%. This disclosure was made by the Nigerian Stock Exchange in a newsletter which was made available on its website.  

Equity capital on Friday was over ₦18 trillion even though it was not up to the equity capital recorded on Thursday was at ₦18.

The market deals recorded on Friday are 13,433 which is 2,729 deals higher than the figure recorded on Thursday at 10,704. The volume recorded on Friday is 1,243,692,991 while the volume recorded on Thursday is 1,192,804,641.

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The stock market witnessed a drop in value on Friday at ₦16 billion while Thursday’s market enjoyed the value of over ₦17 billion.

ASI 35,037.46
DEALS 13,433.00
VOLUME 1,243,692,991.00
VALUE ₦16,286,779,385.15
EQUITY CAP ₦18,308,125,772,727.24
BOND CAP ₦17,750,637,298,422.70
ETF CAP ₦23,387,806,742.28


Airtel Africa tops the gainer’s list, ending this week’s stock market with all smiles snd profit. Airtel Africa enjoyed a profit of 9.99%, opening the market with ₦445.4 per unit and ended with ₦489.9.

Next on the list is Dangote Sugar, gaining a total profit of 3.98%, closing the market the sale of each unit at 3.98%. 

BUACement raked in a profit of 1.66%, each unit was sold for ₦51.15 and at the end for ₦52.

Fidson follows reaping 0.85 kobo at the end of the market selling for ₦52. A total profit of 9.93% was harvested.

PZ secures its space with a profit of 9.52%, opening the market with ₦5.25 and ending with ₦5.75.

Symbols Last Close Current Change %Change
AIRTELAFRI ₦445.4 ₦489.9 44.5 9.99%
DANGSUGAR ₦21.35 3.98% 0.85 3.98%
BUACEMENT ₦51.15 ₦52 0.85 1.66%
FIDSON ₦5.44 ₦52₦52 0.54 9.93%
PZ ₦5.25 ₦5.75 0.5 9.52%


MTNN led the losers’ list with a loss of -4.32%, ending the sale at ₦155.

Guiness lost a total of -4.32%, selling each unit for ₦22 at the begining and ₦20.1 at the end.

Guaranty sealed its spot on the losers’ list with a loss of -4.71%. At the opening of the market on Friday, each unit was sold for ₦38.2 and at the end for ₦36.4.

Ardova is next on the list with a loss of -1.8 while trading, ending with ₦14.8 at the end of the market.

Zenith bank lost 1 kobo while trading, closing with a total loss of -3.55% and ₦27.15 per unit at the close.

Symbols Last Close Current Change %Change
MTNN ₦162 ₦155 -7 -4.32%
GUINNESS ₦22 ₦20.1 -1.9 -8.64%
GUARANTY ₦38.2 ₦36.4 -1.8 -4.71%
ARDOVA ₦16.4 ₦14.8 -1.6 -9.76%
ZENITHBANK ₦28.15 ₦27.15 -1 -3.55%


Symbols Volume Value
TRANSCORP 191,732,503 ₦239,617,958.84
ZENITHBANK 163,516,277 ₦4,482,150,861.45
ACCESS 104,156,452 ₦975,811,673.05
FBNH 100,897,328 ₦826,833,292.55
UBA 78,467,364 ₦718,440,605.60