Everything You Need To Know About The Google Impact Challenge Nigeria


The Google Impact Challenge Nigeria is an initiative to support nonprofits and social enterprises with game-changing ideas to create economic opportunity in their communities.

Any company/organizations can apply with their most innovative proposals. Finalists get access to Google.org funding, mentorship and resources.

According to Google Nigeria, all eligible nonprofits and social enterprises are invited to apply by July 4.

Entry Criteria

  • Community Impact: Does the proposed project create economic opportunity in Nigeria? Does it improve the lives of people in our country?
  • Innovation: Does the project present unexpected solutions to unmet needs?
  • Reach: Does it have the potential to scale directly or to serve as a model for other communities? Will its scope grow over time?
  • Feasibility: Is the project plan (or business plan) well thought-out, and the team well-equipped to execute on it?
  • Is there a registration fee?

No. Applying for the Google Impact Challenge is free.

  • How do I know if my organization is eligible to participate?

Review the criteria and the rules.

  • What if I don’t have a legal registration or am in the process of registering now? Can I still apply?

You must be a registered Nigerian nonprofit or business at the time the application is submitted. Please refer to the rules for more details.

  • What if I have a great idea, but my organization isn’t based in Nigeria?

The Google Impact Challenge Nigeria is only open to nonprofit or business organizations with a legal registration in Nigeria. Please see the rules for details.

  • What if we’re a local affiliate of a national organization? Can we still apply?

As long as you meet the eligibility requirements, including having a legal registration in Nigeria as a nonprofit or business at the time you submit the application, you are eligible to apply.

  • What does it mean to be legally registered in Nigeria?

Legal registration of your organization will be determined according to relevant laws in Nigeria. If in doubt, please apply.

  • What if we’re an organization based in Nigeria, but do work outside Nigeria? Can we still apply?

Yes, as long as your organization has a legal registration in Nigeria at the time of your application. We also ask that your project is aimed at creating economic opportunity in the country in which you are applying.

  • Can we apply if we’re a for-profit business with a social impact?

Yes, you can. The Google Impact Challenge Nigeria allows businesses to apply as long as their suggested projects have a clear charitable purpose and positive social impact, as per our rules.

  • How do you define social impact?

Google.org believes in a world that works for everyone. Your project should create economic opportunity for underserved populations. As per the rules, final determinations are at Google’s sole discretion.

  • Can my organization submit more than one idea?

No. Organizations may only submit one application to the Challenge.

  • Can my organization submit a joint application with another organization?

Only one organization can apply per application, but it is fine if that application references collaboration with another organization. If your organization is selected as a winner, it will be the sole recipient of the grant, but may work with other organizations to complete your proposed project as long as your organization complies with the rules and the terms of the grant agreement.

  • What do you mean when you say “project”?

A project is your organization’s proposed concept and implementation plan for how you will create more opportunity in your community. If selected for a grant, we’ll be supporting the implementation of this project – so we need to know exactly how the grant will help you realize your plan.

  • If another organization is currently implementing a similar concept, can we still submit the idea?

Yes, but please note that projects will be judged in part on their innovative approach and potential to scale. So you’ll need to tell us how and why your implementation is innovative for the community, why your organization is uniquely suited to implement the concept in a way that will be more successful than the solution that currently exists, or how you plan to partner with other organizations to achieve success.

  • Does this have to be a new idea for my organization?

It need not be brand new. In fact, it may already be a work in progress. If so, we would like to hear exactly how a grant will change the trajectory of your progress toward implementation, scale, and impact.

  • Over what time period should the grant funds be spent?

We expect the grant to be spent over the course of one to three years.

  • Can the grant be used to fund overhead and staffing costs?

Yes, but the large majority of the award should be devoted to the implementation of the project.

  • Will details of our project idea be kept confidential?

Google will not treat your project as confidential or proprietary, and the details of your project will be shared with Judges and possibly others to evaluate your proposal, so please do not submit any proprietary or confidential information in your application. Please keep in mind that if your organization is selected as a winner, your project summary will be made available to the public on the website.

  • Can I get a copy of the application questions before I fill out the application?

Yes, you can find a copy of the application questions here.

  • Can we include appendices or additional information in the application?

The application includes an opportunity to provide links to additional resources. Unfortunately, we are not able to accept any attachments beyond those linked as additional materials in the application form.

  • Can I save a draft of my application on the site if I want to edit it later?

No. Applications can’t be saved for later completion, so we recommend drafting your responses in a separate document first and only completing the application form when the entire application is ready for submission.

  • How do I make sure my application is successfully submitted?

Make sure all required fields are populated and within the given word limits, then click the “Submit” button. If the application has been successfully submitted, you should see a screen with a message confirming that we received your application, and you should also receive a confirmation email to the email address you provided. If you have any questions about your application submission, please contact us at: africa-impact-challenge@google.com.

  • I’ve submitted my application. What do I do now?

That’s great news. No further action is required. We’ll reach out if we require any additional information, and will announce the finalists per the timeline on the website.

  • Does my submission have to be in English?

Yes, please submit your application in English.

  • Do I need a Google account to apply?

No, you don’t need a Google account.

  • How will the entries be judged?

Applications will be evaluated based on the Challenge rules. All applications received will be reviewed by a team at Google who, in collaboration with our partners, will select a list of 12 finalists. In the next step, our Judge panel will select three nonprofits as Challenge winners. The public will pick the People’s Choice Winner from the finalists during a public vote in November.

  • Who are the Judges?

See our panel of Judges here. The Judges are selected based on both their demonstrated commitment to improving their communities and their ability to rally public support for the best ideas.

  • Will every single application be reviewed?

Yes, we will individually review all eligible applications received.

  • What if a Judge has an affiliation with an organization who applies?

We ask Judges not to be involved in scoring applications from any organization they are personally affiliated with (for example, if a Judge or their family member are on the board of the organization). The application’s score will be determined only by the remaining Judges.