51 Foreign Investors Exit Equities, Bond Markets Over Unfavorable Policies

A total of fifty-one foreign investors repatriated profits from their investments in equities and Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) bonds last week.

This development came as investors considered Nigeria’s foreign exchange policies of the Central Bank of Nigeria unfavorable to their investments.

The major part of the $15.91 million forex was disbursed by the lender to investors divesting from the country, local businesses importing petroleum products, payment of school fees abroad and settlement of Personal Travel Allowances (PTAs) and Business Travel Allowances (BTAs).

Details of the transactions showed that foreign investors took $6.8 million of the disbursed cash. Stanbic IBTC Bank disbursed $100,000 to 32 investors divesting from the equities market.

The beneficiaries are Merill Lynch International, HSBC, Brown Brothers, JPM Securities, The Bank of New York Mellon 1, The Bank of New York Mellon 2, HSBC Funds Services London, Deutsche Bank London, Standard Bank of South Africa, and Credit Suisse International, among others.

For raw materials, the bank disbursed $1 million each to Pure Flour Mills Nigeria Plc and Flour Mills Nigeria Plc. Bua Sugar Refinery got $500,000 for the importation of raw sugar. Prudent Energy & Services Limited $1,170,267.10 for petroleum products.

General sentiments in the equities market were bearish. Average yield across benchmark bonds closed at 11.6 per cent at the end of the first trading session of the week, rising five basis points from the last trading session of the previous week.

Though the spread between the official and parallel forex market remains, the volatility recorded in rates earlier in the year has subsided. The CBN, however, is still unable to meet the dollar demands as seen in the amount returned by the CBN to the Deposit Money Banks for unfilled bids at the forex auction.

The official naira rate at the CBN remained at N197 to dollar whilst naira/dollar rates at the Interbank stayed at N199 to dollar. The naira/dollar rate was stable at the Bureau-De-Change as it exchanged at N320 to dollar on all trading days of last week. The parallel market also remained stable as the local currency exchanged at N323 to dollar on all trading day of the week, except Monday when it appreciated by N1.00 to N322 to dollar. Current Gross foreign reserves level was at $27.47 billion as at April 14, down about $70 million from last Monday’s reserve level.