Healthy Sleeping Positions – Position Yourself for a Good Night’s Sleep!

Can’t get comfortable at night? Does your back ache in the morning, or do you feel more exhausted than when you went to bed? Does your heartburn, sleep apnea, or asthma make it hard for you to sleep? You should try these healthy sleeping position as sleeping is one of the most important part of your day!

Doctors have long known the correlation between the way you sleep and your health[1], but it’s important for you to find the healthy sleeping positions that make it easier for you to sleep at night. Your body has natural sleep positions that it automatically settles into, but they may not be the ideal sleep positions for your frame.

Changing things up may help to improve the quality of your sleep –as well as your health in general!

What Are the Healthiest Sleeping Positions?

Side Sleepers –­ A surprisingly high 63% of Americans sleep on their side, and it is considered one of the best healthy sleeping positions. Doctors claim that it can help to prevent back and neck pain, and it is recommended for snorers. It will prevent the neck muscles from blocking the airways during the night, thereby reducing sleep apnea.

Those with acid reflux often sleep this way, and it’s the recommended sleeping position for pregnant mothers. Sleeping on your side will keep your spine in the correct position, which will reduce back pain.

On the downside, your face is smashed into your fluffy pillows at night, which can lead to wrinkles. It also contributes to sagging breasts, as gravity is pulling them downwards and causing the ligaments to stretch all night long.

Sleeping on your left side will promote healthy circulation. It will also avoid squishing your organs, as the organs on the right side of your body are more tightly clustered.

Back Sleepers – 14% of Americans sleep on their back, and it too is considered one of the best healthy sleep positions. Sleeping on your back takes a lot of the strain off your neck and spine, as they’re in a neutral position.

Acid reflux can be prevented by sleeping on your back, though you’ll need to raise your head with pillows. Wrinkles aren’t a problem when sleeping in this position, as your face isn’t in contact with your pillow.

Snorers and sufferers of sleep apnea, though, should not sleep on their back. In this position, the neck muscles will block the airways, and it will make it harder to breathe properly as you sleep.

Those that rattle the walls with their snoring should turn on their sides, as it prevents the neck muscles from blocking your windpipe. Sufferers of lower back problems should place a pillow beneath their knees, or a tightly-rolled towel beneath the painful spot on their back to provide extra support for the sensitive spine.

Stomach Sleepers – Statistics show that 16% of Americans sleep on their stomach – the worst position for your body. Your spine has to twist at a strange angle, as you have to turn your head to sleep. This position will also strain your muscles and joints, irritate your nerves, and even cause tingling, numbness, and pain in your body.

The only benefit of sleeping on your stomach is that it will prevent snoring. Sleeping in this position takes the pressure off your airways, so you should be able to go the whole night through without sleep apnea or snoring causing problems. It’s not the ideal sleeping position, though, so it’s best to avoid it. If you have to sleep on your stomach, make sure your pillow is slim – or don’t use a pillow.

Fetal Position Sleepers – The fetal position is not recommended as one of the best healthy sleeping positions, as it will pull on your joints, spine, and muscles. Don’t be surprised if you wake up in pain, and this position can actually damage your spine and neck over the years. The only good reason to sleep this way is to reduce snoring.

Those that must sleep in this position should try and reduce the amount of curl in their spine, as sleeping a bit straighter can take the pressure off the backbone. A very thick pillow will be needed, as there is more support required for the back and neck.

Trying to force yourself into positions that are considered ‘healthy’ can make it harder to get comfortable, which will reduce the quality of your sleep. The most important thing to remember is to try and keep your neck and back properly supported as you sleep. Your body knows what makes it feel good, so the best healthy sleeping positions are the ones that relax your body and help you be comfortable at night. If you’re having back or posture issues, consult a chiropractor, he can help you both find better positions to sleep and bed environment changes that will help make these improvement sticks.
