Twitter Considers Expanding 140 Character Limit to 10,000

Twitter is considering building a new feature that will allow users to tweet things longer than the traditional 140-character limit, and the company is targeting a launch date toward the end of Q1.

Twitter is considering a 10,000 character limit which is the same character limit the company uses for its Direct Messages product.

It is said that Twitter is currently testing a version of the product in which tweets appear the same way they do now, displaying just 140 characters, with some kind of call to action indicating that there is more content you can’t see.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has been looking for ways to jumpstart user growth for some time and recently the company has threw a number of product updates at users to make this happen.

He made the announcement on Twitter with this tweet

Spamming issues may arise from the character limit extension but Twitter will definitely perfect the character limit extension before rolling out.