NSE, ASEA Host 5th BAFMarkets Seminar

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The Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) and African Securities Exchanges Association (ASEA) would co-host the 5th Building African Financial Markets (BAFM) seminar.

The seminar holding for the firs time outside South Africa, is tagged – ‘Addressing Liquidity Concerns in African Capital Market’ and would be held between April 28 and 29 while the ASEA Executive Board meeting holds on the 30th of next month.

CEO, Nigerian Exchange and President ASEA, Oscar Onyema said, the BAFM seminar was designed to promote growth in African financial markets; it also presents an opportunity for participants to enhance their capacity, create an opportunity for them to interact and also be able compete effectively at the global stage.

“The seminar aims to accelerate dialogue, capacity building and collaboration among participants to drive the growth of Africa’s capital markets, build collaboration on issues of shared interest in order to present the African continent as an attractive investment destination”, he said.

He further said that, “As African economies re-position themselves following the significant impact of global headwinds that have challenged the continent’s growth prospects, African securities exchanges must step up their efforts at driving liquidity in their markets in order to help finance the continent’s infrastructure and capital requirements.”

He said, “Initiatives such as this, forms an integral part of the continued development of sustainable economies within the continent bearing in mind peculiar strengths that we could leverage individually and collectively as we press forward.”

The Seminar would feature leaders of thought from dominant African financial institutions, multilateral organisations and regulators that would moderate discussions on the various topics such as: Strengthening equity market structure in Africa to better address low liquidity.

Instituting an optimal pricing mechanism on African exchanges; Cross border capital market integration – a catalyst for boosting liquidity on African Stock Exchanges, are some of the other topics to be treated.