#IWD2022: Top 7 Solutions To Gender Bias

#IWD2022: Top 7 Solutions To Gender Bias

Gender equality is one of the most important topics, especially in this month when “International Women’s Day” was celebrated. Gender equality strives to solve all gender biases and create equal opportunities and an atmosphere for all.

BizWatch Nigeria has been striving for gender equality in the workspace, at schools and everywhere, this year a conversation on ‘Gender Bias’ was held and solutions were provided to eradicate gender bias.

BizWatch Nigeria will have its quarterly webinar on March 30, 2022, by 10 am (WAT) to celebrate women and to break the bias. The theme for the webinar is “Women in Business: Breaking Barriers, Blazing Pathways”, click on this link to register for the event.

A Twitter Space conversation was organized on March 9, 2022 to provide solutions to gender bias and to celebrate an important question ahead of the 2023 general elections in Nigeria, “Is Nigeria ready for a female President?”

Here are 7 key solutions provided during the Twitter Space conversation to eliminate gender bias:

Do not generalize!

Generalization has caused a lot of problems, especially for women, it limits one’s hope and can reduce her self-esteem. Why are women assumed to be bad drivers? Why are negative things assumed about women?

One person’s mistake does not mean the gender is flawed that way, nor does it mean that gender thinks that way. Give each person a chance and avoid generalization.


Encourage women, empower young girls and support their dreams. One of the greatest steps toward gender equality is encouraging women and men to take a stand to support their goals and be leaders.

Gender Equality Awareness

Take a stand and promote gender equality. Preach about gender equality, educate young boys and girls about the essence of equality. Gender equality should be included in curriculums.

The first step in dealing with bias identifying the root and being able to correct them for children. There is a problem if we do not identify the issues.

Am I proud of my actions?

Ask yourself this question “Am I proud of my actions towards the opposite gender?” If your actions towards the opposite gender are negative then you need to take a step back to adjust yourself. Identify the issue, correct it and educate yourself.

Equal Opportunities

Equal opportunities should be established, do not subject a gender to specific roles and do not squash their dreams. Organizations should support women and create a gender equality atmosphere.

Gender neutral recruitment

Employers should implement gender-neutral recruitment processes, this will encourage all gender and promote gender equality in the workspace.

Office space

There are steps to be taken to eradicate gender bias in the office.

Have a clear policy on discrimination

Provide flexible working and de-stigmatise shared parental leave.

Ensure you’re actively encouraging women to progress.

Have a clear policy on discrimination.

Provide training on unconscious bias.

Review salaries and standardise pay.

Do not forget to register for BizWatch Nigeria’s webinar which is scheduled to hold on March 30, 2022, at 10 am (WAT).