Abike Dabiri-Erewa Urges Nigerian’s in Diaspora to Seek Voting Rights

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Nigerians in the diaspora have been urged to advocate for the implementation of a law to allow for diaspora voting.

The Chairman, Diasporas Commission in Nigeria and the Senior Special Adviser to President Muhammad Buhari, Abike Dabiri-Erewa, made the call at a cocktail with a delegation of APC Diaspora members, in Abuja, Nigeria.

” thank you so much for coming all the way home all because you want to be part of President Buhari’s inauguration. You all worked hard for him ti suceed and by the grace of God and by determination, you heard the President speak to you yesterday, he is not going to let all of you down. Can you imagine that if you didn’t vote all over the world, whether you are in Scandenavia, or US, or UK, or Asia”.

” I think one of the greatest goals we all must achieve is the Diaspora voting. And we all have to work together to make it happen. Let’s channel our energy to ensuring that some things happen, one is diaspora voting”. She said.

 I am going to appeal to all of you, as the 9th Assembly comes in, let’s start immediately, let’s move to Parliaments and lobby them to ensure that Nigerians in diaspora can vote. So make it a priority”. She noted.


She said every Diaspora has a right to voting wherever they are noting that if smaller countries could do it, Nigeria should be able to achieve that too.

 now you have a Diaspora Commission, work with the Commission to ensure this happens.  If smaller counties can do it, I see no reason why Nigerians cant vote”. She noted.

“You sent this country over 26million dollars in 2018, so it’s your right and we have to make it happen”.

” it’s going to be a tough battle, but we need to move on and ensure that Diaspora voting becomes a reality”. She emphasised.

Mrs Dabiri-Erewa emphasised the need for diaspora investment, citing Rwandan Diasporas. She emphasised.

every Rwandan in diaspora contributes 12 dollars to a fund and that fund is used for a particular purpose in Rwanda”. She said.

” these are some of the things we look forward to working with you. We will unveil the Diaspora policy as we move on and we hope that you all Will be part of the policy and ensure that Nigerians in diaspora join in changing the narrative of Nigeria “. She said.

“you are the biggest Ambassadors of your country, so wherever you are,in the diaspora, continue to make Nigeria proud”. She said.

She said Nigerians were the best brains anywhere in the world and must celebrate themselves. She noted

 two things we need to do, we celebrate ourselves, tell the world who we are, excelling, doing great things all over the world”.

She however, challenged them to channel their resources and energy to the development of Nigeria. She noted.

” we are not 419ners, we are not drug dealers,we are hardworking and dedicated, the most brilliant all over the world “. She added.

The Chairman, Inaugural Committee, APC-USA, Georgia, Mr Kunle Masha appreciated Mrs the Diaspora Chairman for making their visit to the US a pleasant one.

” we believe that the Government and the Diaspora Commission Chairman are doing their best to make our stay comfortable and to help in every way possible to provide the leadership necessary support to move into the next level”. He said.

The Diasporas who came in their numbers said they were in the country to celebrate with President Muhammadu Buhari and to discuss ways of moving the country forward.

Source: VON