Roche Partners With Nigerian Group To Promote MS Awareness

Roche Partners With Nigerian Group To Promote MS Awareness

The Basel, Switzerland-based industrial firm Roche announced a partnership with a Nigerian organization to promote multiple sclerosis awareness.

In a statement, it claimed that on World Multiple Sclerosis Day also known as World MS day it had promoted awareness of the signs and symptoms of multiple sclerosis in Nigeria in collaboration with neurologists and the Multiple Sclerosis Awareness in Nigeria.

The Dow Jones Sustainability Indices had previously designated Roche as one of the most sustainable firms in the pharmaceutical sector for the 13th consecutive year, according to the statement.

Ladi Hameed, general manager of Roche Products Limited Nigeria, stated that while it might be challenging to identify the various MS signs and symptoms, Roche and MSAIN hope to increase awareness by establishing a shared goal.

“We anticipate that this campaign will promote sympathy and understanding for the 10,048 MS-afflicted siblings and sisters in Nigeria. It demonstrates how the condition can unexpectedly make routine tasks difficult, but how having a strong team behind you can help. We are aware that a winning MS strategy includes early diagnosis, effective therapies, and the support of the patient’s family and the community.

To commemorate World MS Day in Nigeria, Roche and MSAIN created interactive tools that mimicked the signs and symptoms of MS.

“Blurred vision, a lack of coordination, and weakness in the limbs are signs and symptoms of MS,” the statement continued.

“If Nigerians feel any symptoms, they should see their doctor right away because prompt treatment enhances long-term health. MS affects 30,000 people across Africa, with approximately 2,800 new diagnoses every year.

In Nigeria, everyone speaks football. By engaging local communities through football, Roche is raising awareness of the disease and the importance of early diagnosis.