Africa’s Digital Skills Are Improved By Ericsson, Smart Africa Digital Academy

To accelerate digital transformation, Ericsson and Smart Africa Digital Academy have announced the digital upskilling of 100 policymakers and regulators across 19 African nations.

This was stated by Ericsson in a statement.

According to the business, over a three-month period, policymakers and regulators had the chance to participate in online workshops on emerging technologies.

It stated that the partnership between Ericsson and Smart Africa Digital Academy, which was signed in September 2022, aimed to improve the digital skills of a target group of senior officials from ministries and regulatory authorities responsible for Information and Communications Technology (ICT).

It stated that access to Ericsson’s global skills program, Ericsson Educate, was another goal of the partnership.

The Ericsson Educate program, according to the company, has assisted in the delivery of a series of webinars led by 27 subject matter experts from Ericsson in addition to providing access to self-learning digital skills content.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IRemerging )’s technologies, including 5G networks, the Internet of Things (IoT), network security, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML), were covered in the specially curated virtual workshops, according to the statement.

Thelma Quaye, Director of Infrastructure, Skills, and Empowerment at Smart Africa, also emphasized that innovation and knowledge are the driving forces behind the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

She further said, “Technology presents Africa with a fantastic opportunity to seize fresh chances to accelerate digital transformation and contribute to the global economy”.

“We are pleased to see how much our participants are gaining from our partnership with Ericsson, and we look forward to seeing the positive developments that will result,” Thelma said.

The company was happy to see a successful outcome from the collaboration, according to Fida Kibbi, Vice President and Head of Marketing, Communications, Sustainability, and Corporate Responsibility at Ericsson, Middle East and Africa.

According to Fida, they now have a deeper understanding of how new and existing technologies operate and how to use them most effectively.

By creating the ideal conditions for citizens, consumers, and businesses, she claimed that policymakers and regulators could facilitate the digital transformation of the continent.