Top 7 Facts That Might Interest You About Russian President Putin’s New Bomb-Proof Limo, The Senat

Putin's Limo

Russian President Vladimir Putin rolled into his Helsinki summit with President Trump a few days ago with a new ride that can compare to the Secret Service-operated ‘Beast’ – the official ride of the US President.

The Russian strongman arrived in the back of his brand new Aurus Senat limousine. It is only the second time it has been used since his inauguration earlier this year.

Here are Top 7 things about the limo that might ‘wow’ you:

1. It can be fully submerged in water, while keeping its occupants safe

 The defense system is top level; should there be a chemical attack, the car can shut its windows and remain for a long time underwater, just like a submarine.

Automobile expert Vyacheslav Subbotin disclosed that the Senat is every bit like ‘an armoured capsule’ which can withstand heavy gunshots and landmine blasts. It runs on tyres reinforced with steel to stop them going flat. 

2. It Has A highly Sophisticated Communication System

On the communication system, Subbotin said: ‘The system is internal, it is built entirely on our satellites and is completely in-built into the car which is incredibly important.

‘The car will stay in touch under any circumstances.’

3. ‘The limo has its unusual gear shift. 

It is automatic, and it’s hybrid with a generator that can work both as an electric engine and as a generator.’

4. It is fully armoured, enough to withstand a bomb blast

 The body is covered in 15 millimetres of armour plating with a reinforced chassis ensuring the body will not fall apart under stress.

‘The body of the car is Russian invention as despite its size and heavy protection it turned out to be quite light.

‘The construction deals really well with torsion and bending, there was a lot of strong boron-containing materials used.

5. It is massive – In Size!

The car is almost seven metres long, ‘it is a very serious work indeed.’

6. It Has a New, High-Performance Engine

The Senat is powered by a twin-turbocharged 4.4-liter Porsche-developed V8 engine and replaces the adapted Mercedes-Benz Pullman limousine which Russian presidents have used since 1994.

7. It is Luxury Exemplified!

Inside, the limousine is decked out with white leather seats and wood detailing and features a large Russian coat of arms stitched into the door.