NSIA, Health Ministry to Invest $20m in LUTH, AKTH, FMCU


To improve healthcare facilities and delivery, the Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority (NSIA) Healthcare Development and Investment Company (“NHDIC”), and Federal Ministry of Health are jointly investing $20 million in Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH, Lagos), Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital (AKTH, Kano) and Federal Medical Centre Umuahia (FMCU, Abia).

The joint venture and other project agreements for investments were signed in Abuja on Wednesday by representatives of all the parties involved.

Funds for the projects designed to commence before the end of this year will be deployed to build, equip, maintain and operate a private centre for advanced radiotherapy treatment at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH).

It will also be used to build, equip, maintain and operate private modern medical diagnostic centres at the Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital (AKTH); and Federal Medical Centre Umuahia (FMCU).

“LUTH and NSIA are partnering under the existing Medical PPP programme initiated by the Federal Ministry of Health to build, equip, maintain and operate a centre for advanced radiotherapy treatment at LUTH.

“As part of this initiative, NSIA is considering an investment of up to US$10 million to fund the acquisition of a high energy Linear Particle Accelerator (“LINAC”) (for external radiotherapy); a low energy LINAC (for external radiotherapy); a Brachytherapy system (for internal radiotherapy); a CT simulator (for radiotherapy planning); and Construction/upgrading of bunkers for the two LINACs.”

Under the agreements, the Cancer Centre at LUTH will be upgraded to provide specialist care for cancer treatment while AKTH and FMCU will focus on diagnostics providing medical microbiology services, routine chemical pathology, haematology tests and advanced radiography including MRI and CT services.

For AKTH and FMCU, aggregate investment of up to US$10 million will cover design and construction of the Medical Diagnostic Centres in Kano State and Abia State, purchase of radiography equipment for the centres including a 1.5T MRI, a 160 slice CT, three digital X-ray machines, four ultrasound machines and other ancillary equipment; acquisition of supporting software and accessories, furniture and IT Equipment for the centres and power generation solutions for the centres.

Speaking at the signing, Mr Uche Orji, MD/CEO NSIA stated that “Investing in healthcare remains a vital component of the Nigerian Infrastructure Fund strategy.

The enhancement of healthcare infrastructure in these institutions will contribute towards raising the quality and standard of care in Nigeria with outcomes which are consistent with the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.
In addition, it will demonstrate the economic potential of healthcare investments in Nigeria and catalyze private sector participation”.

Commenting on the development, Minister of Health, Prof. Isaac Folorunso Adewole said “One of the most important aspects of healthcare is the investment in infrastructure.

While the Ministry maintains the position that individuals must be empowered to track their health and encouraged to maintain positive and healthy lifestyles, it is incumbent on government to create an enabling environment for accessible, affordable and effective healthcare services locally.

This investment, though focused on Non-Communicable Diseases, is the first of many which we believe will shape the future of healthcare in Nigeria and bring quality healthcare to many”.

Source: Tribune