BlackBerry To Stop Handset Production, Focus on Software

Canadian multinational telecommunication and wireless equipment, BlackBerry has announced that it will discontinue all handset hardware development and fully leverage third parties to develop, distribute and support its handset brand.

The one time phone-making giant in a statement said it will now focus its strengths on state-of-the-art software and security solutions.

The statement read: “Today, we announced that software takes the lead at BlackBerry as we move to transition our handset hardware development and leverage third parties to provide that function.

“There will continue to be BlackBerry branded devices. BlackBerry will manage and approve the design of future BlackBerry-branded devices.

“BlackBerry will continue to design, develop and manage the software running on BlackBerry devices to ensure that they continue to be the World’s Most Secure Android Smartphone.

“BlackBerry devices will be available through all standard and developing mobile phone partner channels.”

The group also announced that it had signed its first significant brand licensing agreement, “which is a new joint venture called BB Merah Putih. BB Merah Putih, which is led by Indonesian telco, PT Tiphone Mobile, to source, distribute and promote handsets with our secure Android software and the BlackBerry brand in Indonesia, our strongest market. This agreement is focused on the Indonesia market.”