Sovereign Trust Insur­ance Releases N.3billion Claims in Q1 2016


Sovereign Trust Insur­ance Plc, STI, said it recently paid out a total sum of N386,933,565.26 as claims in the first quarter of 2016, as a show of its commit­ment towards prompt claims settlement.

The underwriter stated that the total claims figure was duly verified by the in­dustry regulatory authority, the National Insurance Com­mission, NAICOM, for the period under review.

The company said, a breakdown of the claims composition paid, revealed that Motor Insurance claim re­corded the highest figure of N151,401,865.12, followed by General Accident that ac­counted for N140,800,782.03, while N78,830,490.06 was paid as claim under Fire In­surance.

According to the compa­ny’s statement, other figures released are N9,900,023.79 for Marine & Aviation Insurance while N6,000,403.46 was paid as claims under Engineering class of insurance.