How To Attract More Families To Your Business This Summer 2024

The Lagos family scene is booming. With busy parents and energetic kids, there’s a constant demand for activities and experiences that cater to the whole crew. Whether you run a restaurant, a clothing store, or a recreational facility, attracting families can be a surefire way to boost your business.

But how do you create an environment that makes parents say, “This is the perfect place for us!” and keeps the little ones entertained?Here’s the scoop, Lagos entrepreneurs! We’ve got the inside tips to transform your business into a family favourite:

Creating a Welcoming Vibe: Every Smile Counts

First impressions matter. From the moment a family walks through the door, show them they’re welcome. Here’s how:

  • Warm Greetings: Train your staff to greet families with genuine smiles and friendly conversation. A simple “Hello!” and a wave to the kids goes a long way.
  • Family-Friendly Signage: Make it clear your business welcomes families. Put up signs saying “Children Welcome” or showcase pictures of happy families enjoying themselves at your establishment.
  • Spacious Layout: Ensure enough space for strollers and prams to navigate comfortably. Consider wider aisles or designated stroller parking areas.

Catering to the Little Ones: Keeping Them Happy Makes Parents Happy

Happy kids mean happy parents, and happy parents mean more sales! Here are some ways to keep the little ones entertained:

  • Kid-Sized Fun: Create a designated play area with age-appropriate toys, games, or books. This gives the kids a space to burn off energy while parents relax or browse.
  • Colourful Touches: Splash some colour! Paint a vibrant mural on a wall, or decorate with child-friendly themes. This creates a visually stimulating environment for kids.
  • Activity Time: Organize special events or activities for families, like story time sessions, craft workshops, or face painting. This provides entertainment and creates lasting memories.

Fueling the Fun: Food and Entertainment for All Ages

Food and fun go hand-in-hand for families. Here’s how to cater to their needs:

  • Kid-Friendly Menu: Offer a dedicated children’s menu with smaller portions, familiar favourites, and healthy options. Consider fun and visually appealing presentation for their food.
  • Family Deals & Packages: Create family meal deals or packages that offer discounts for groups. This makes dining out with the whole family more affordable.
  • Entertainment Options: Think beyond food! Offer board games, colouring sheets, or even a designated TV corner with kid-friendly shows playing. This keeps the little ones occupied while waiting for food or after they’ve finished eating.

Spreading the Word: Let Families Know You’re Open for Business

Once you’ve created a family-friendly environment, shout it from the rooftops (metaphorically, of course)! Here’s how to get the word out:

  • Social Media Savvy: Utilize social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook to showcase your family-friendly offerings. Share pictures of happy families enjoying your space, and promote special events or activities. Partner with Lagos mommy bloggers or family influencers to reach a wider audience.
  • Community Engagement: Network with local schools, parenting groups, or event organizers. Offer special discounts for families belonging to these groups.
  • Family-Friendly Reviews: Encourage families who enjoy your business to leave positive online reviews. Positive word-of-mouth marketing is powerful!

Bonus Tip: Birthday Bonanza!

Birthdays are a big deal for families! Here’s how to capitalize on this:

  • Birthday Packages: Offer special birthday packages that include meals, decorations, party favours, or even small entertainment activities.
  • Birthday Shoutouts: Train your staff to acknowledge birthdays with a song or a small treat. This personalized touch creates a memorable experience.


Creating a family-friendly environment is an ongoing process. Be open to feedback and adapt your offerings based on the needs of your customers. By prioritizing the comfort and entertainment of both parents and children, you’ll transform your business into a go-to spot for Lagos families, ensuring not just happy faces but a thriving business.

So Lagos entrepreneurs, get creative, have fun, and watch your family customer base grow!