Teach Kids: The Ethics Of Money

Learning to be wise with money is about more than just saving and spending—it’s also about being honest, fair, and caring. Here are seven important lessons on how to handle money responsibly and ethically. They will help you now, but more importantly, prepare you for the future.

Honesty: Always Tell the Truth About Money

Being honest means never lying about how much money you have, where you got it, or what you spent it on. If you borrow money, pay it back when you say you will. Being truthful builds trust, and people will know they can count on you.

 Stay Away from Corruption

Corruption is when someone takes what isn’t theirs or cheats to get money. It’s not okay to trick or lie to get money. If you’re tempted to take what’s not yours, remember that honest money always lasts longer and makes you feel proud. Corruption only causes problems for everyone around you. Many of the problems we have in our society today are due to the corruption that is quite common amongst adults. 


Live Within Your Means

Living within your means is about using only the money you have and not overspending. It can be tempting to buy more than you need, but remember that it’s better to enjoy what you can afford than to be unhappy trying to have everything. This way, you can avoid debt and stay worry-free.

 Be Content with What You Have

 Contentment means being happy with what you have, even if it isn’t everything you want. There’s always going to be something new or shiny to buy but focusing on being grateful for what you already have will help you feel richer inside. Contentment keeps you from spending too much and teaches you that happiness doesn’t come from things that you have. It also ensures that you are not jealous of other people and what they have.

 Share and Give to Others

Giving a little of what you have to others who need it is a wonderful way to show kindness. When you share, you’re helping people who may not have enough. It also reminds you that money isn’t just for yourself—it can be used to make the world a better place.

 Be Fair with Money

 Fairness with money means treating people right. If someone lends you money, pay it back on time. If you agree to do a small job for someone, make sure you work honestly for the money you earn. If someone works for you, pay the person what you agreed. Fairness teaches people to respect you and also builds good relationships.

Respect Money, but Don’t Love It Too Much

 Money is a tool that helps us buy what we need, but it’s not the most important thing in life. It’s okay to want enough money to live well, but don’t let it control you. Spend time with family and friends, learn new things, and do things that make you happy. Money is just one part of life, not everything.

 These lessons will help you build good habits for life. When you use money wisely and ethically, you make yourself and those around you happier.

To learn more about these and other life skills, please click the link below to get a FREE copy of our storybook “Birthday Savings for Omo” and learn more about other amazing storybooks and games you will enjoy.