GM to Expand Driver Assistance Feature to All Cadillacs by 2020

American automobile manufacturer, General Motors Co said on Wednesday it will expand the roll-out of its driver assistance feature Super Cruise to all its Cadillac models beginning 2020.

Super Cruise, which will be available in all Cadillac models, is a semi-automated driver assistance system that will lead to fully autonomous systems in the future.

Unlike Tesla Inc’s Autopilot, Super Cruise enables hands-free driving on freeways.

The Super Cruise system will allow drivers to take their hands off the steering wheel for extended periods, but will stop the vehicle automatically if drivers are not attentive.

This comes at a time when Tesla’s Autopilot has come under scrutiny after a fatal crash in March that involved a Tesla Model X.

GM said its Cadillac crossovers would also have V2X communications by 2023, which will be expanded to all models of the brand, Reuters reports.

Using this technology, vehicles can be notified of hazardous road conditions, traffic light statuses and changing work zones. With a range of nearly 1,000 feet, drivers can be alerted to possible threats in time to avoid a crash.