Africa Commissions Single Air Transport Market

The African Union on Monday, January 29, commissioned the Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM) aimed at enhancing connectivity among member nations and ensuring cheaper continental flights.

The market is a flagship project of AU Agenda 2063 to create a single unified air transport market in Africa, liberalize civil aviation and engender the economic integration of the continent.

The chairman of the AU, President Paul Kagame of Rwanda and the chairperson of the AU Commission, Moussa Faki, launched the market in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, at the close of the 30th AU Summit.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, Kagame said Togolese President Faure Gnassingbe would lead the continent in ensuring full implementation of the market.

He lauded the AU Commission for its efforts towards ensuring the floating of the market which he said “is very important for the development of our continent in line with our many projects that will take us to our wishes for the year 2063.

“I’m glad that we can achieve some of these now or tomorrow, especially this particular project. I am happy for associating myself with the progress that we have made so far.”