Service delivery in IT paramount to organisational success

Improving the efficiency and reliability of IT operations,enhancing security and compliance, a proactive approach to maintenance, return on investment and costs savings, and freeing up IT employees to work on strategic projects, are some of the top factors driving clients to service providers.

This is according to the CompTIA 4th Annual Managed Services Trends Study, cited in the Rubrik white paper entitled “Transform your business with Rubrik service delivery platform”.

Named by Gartner as a Visionary in the 2017 Magic Quadrant for Data Centre Backup & Recovery Solutions,Rubrik’s paper focuses on how to create value and enhance profitability. It states, “Service providers play a central role in transforming IT departments from cost centres to value providers. At the same time, the service delivery industry is becoming more competitive as shaped by a variety of market forces, including globalisation, evolving technology architecture, and increasingly more sophisticated clients. As clients become more and more savvy in negotiating deals, service providers must constantly innovate their business models and technology in order to deliver value at the lowest cost to their clients. Clients in deep, knowledge-based relationships with their service providers tend to be less price sensitive and more open to new opportunities.”

Value-added distributor, Networks Unlimited, supplies Rubrik’s solutions to service providers servicingthe enterprise market, large corporates, financial services and more, in the Sub-Saharan African region. Managing director, Anton Jacobsz attests to the fact that Rubrik’s technology enables these service providers to offer differentiated services across a wide range of use cases to help clients achieve their needs while consolidating infrastructure to reduce costs.

This is because, as the white paper notes, “Rubrik’s Cloud Data Management platform democratises the cloud for all enterprises by delivering a modern solution to recover, manage, and secure all data, regardless of location. The power within an enterpriseto scale organically and respond to shifting business needs depends on instantaneous access, efficient data delivery, and intelligent data management across the entire organisation. Rubrik eliminates the barriers to data mobility, providing mission critical functions needed to drive business agility, cost effectiveness, and performance as enterprises shift workloadsto the cloud.”

Adds Jacobsz, “Our message to service providers is that Rubrik Cloud Data Management is a single, software fabric. It manages all data in the cloud, at the edge, or on-premises for many use cases including backup, disaster recovery, archival, compliance, analytics, and copy data management.

“Specifics for service providers operating in the Sub-Saharan region,” continues Jacobsz, “is that this sophisticated technology really does open up new revenue streams through an expanded service offerings, including backup and instant recovery, disaster recovery and replication, archival as a service, and cloud solutions.”

As the white paper summarises and concludes, “Rubrik unlocks service delivery value by allowing serviceproviders to support more services with more nimble infrastructure and better performance. Service providers can co-create solutions flexibility and creatively with their clients using Rubrik as the technology back-bone.”