Zungeru Power Plant To Inject 700MW Of Electricity Into National Grid

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The Minister of Power, Sale Maman, disclosed that the Zungeru hydroelectric power plant would supply about 700MW of electricity into the national grid.

According to the minister the project is 88 percent complete but would reach completion in December 2021.

Upon the completion of the project, the Zungeru plant would supply up to 2,630GWH on a yearly basis.

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Zungeru Plant Project Funding

Maman noted that the power plant was funded by counterpart financing, while on the part of the Federal Government, the sum of $309,250,000 had been provided.

He further noted the project had received more than $1 billion to date and is constructed by Mssrs CNECC Sinohybrid Consortium.

The minister said, “I am excited to announce that we will be injecting about 700MW of electricity into the national grid by December 2021 from the Zungeru Plant barring any unforeseen developments.

“Unfortunately, we were unable to deliver this project in December 2020 as planned due to the global pandemic which meant workers on site had to be away for the better part of last year.

“President Muhammadu Buhari is committed to completing all inherited and initiated projects.”

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