WHO Chief Laments Nigeria’s Lack Of Investment In Science And Tech

WHO Chief Laments Nigeria's Lack Of Investment In Science And Tech

Oyewale Tomori, a member of the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Technical Advisory Group on COVID-19 Vaccine Composition, has lamented the fact that Nigeria isn’t giving priority to investment in science and technology.

During his speech at the 79th Interdisciplinary Research Discourse of the Postgraduate College, University of Ibadan, Tomori said different administrations that have so far governed the country have refused to tailor their investments to global trends that address current realities and challenges.

According to the WHO chief, rather than investing in what would yield positive returns, the Nigerian leadership prefers corruption and compound the country’s situations further.

His words: “While other countries are getting sumptuous results on their investments, we are wallowing in our own return on iniquity, and return on immorality. That is why we have 10.5 million of our children out of school, 4.5 million under-vaccinated, we become the poverty capital of the world.

“We are investing hugely in corruption and disdain for science and technology, and we now depend on IMF loans and the World Bank to pay our workers’ salaries, to import food which we should be producing.

“A recent study said the US government between 1988 and 2010 invested $3.8 billion in the genome project and it is already generating $796 billion. This is what is called return on investment.”

Maintaining that economic progress should be the direct result of advances in science and technology, the Don said everything used in communication, transportation, housing, clothing were products of investment in science and technology.

He, therefore, described science as the engine for human posterity while urging the Nigerian government to consistently invest in long-term research in science and technology.

“The money given to our science and technology goes to salary and emoluments in Nigeria. The money you put into education and science is what makes the difference in the countries that are doing well. The 2022 budget for science and technology is N202 billion but almost all of it is on capital projects.

“Allocation for research is specifically N6 billion and when you look at the details of what they put as research, it includes workshops, training, renovation of staff quarters, the building of new hostels among others. That is what we call research in Nigeria and at the section, they call miscellaneous, they are refreshments, honorarium, sitting allowance, and what we call welfare package and put about N514 million for that.

“Now we have had 23 years of born again democracy in Nigeria and Nigeria remains the slumbering giant where fraud and crime stand in the brotherhood of decadence, depravity, excessive wastefulness, extravagance licentiousness.

“No sector is free of this rot at home, in our schools, tainted political and traditional class, and then we have the culture of national immorality which permeates our country. There is no good or relevant science that can come under poor governance,” he added.

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