Top 7 Reasons Why You Might Want To Consider Self-Employment


Many people who are currently pursing their careers at different levels, and across all business sectors, will eventually  end up working for themselves at some point.

Here are Top 7 reasons why you might want to start planning towards being self-employed:

#1: Be Your Own Boss

It is a wonderful feeling to be your own boss, not having to report, or answer to anyone. This is probably the greatest appeal of self-employment.

 #2: Make Your Own Rules

Because you are your boss, you are in a position to make your own rules, of course within the bounds of the law, common sense and the public good. However this is by no means a blank cheque. You must be prepared to live with the consequences of your decisions and actions.

 #3: Create Wealth

You are more likely to make more money being self-employed than working for someone else. You are more likely to be in a position to enhance the financial fortunes both of yourself and those who invest in your enterprise, if it turns out to be financially successful.

To give a simple example: every one of Mark Zuckerberg’s friends who were part of the core promoters of the Facebook project are today billionaires!

 #4: Be a Productive Economic Player

As a self-employed individual, you are invariably a productive economic player who is providing employment to other individuals, paying (corporate) taxes and contributing to the overall public good by providing services and products that one way or the other add value to peoples’ lives.

 #5: Build Something From the Ground Up

An entrepreneur is invariably a builder. You are building something from scratch that will possibly grow into a huge corporation, with influences extending beyond your immediate environment, perhaps even globally.

#6: Enjoy a Sense of Accomplishment

There is an incredible sense of achievement and personal satisfaction that comes from watching something (a business) that you have built from scratch grow into a huge corporation, providing a livelihood for hundreds of employees, and making tangible positive impact on society as a whole, sometimes potentially for generations to come.

For many successful entrepreneurs this is probably a greater reward that the financial returns.

  #7: Leave a Legacy

As an entrepreneur you have a unique opportunity to grow your business to such a level that it becomes a part of your legacy, surviving and thriving long after you’re gone.