Top 7 Business Blunders To Bounce Back From (And Avoid Altogether!)

Nigerian Newspapers: Latest Business News Headlines For November 10, 2021

Ah, the Nigerian hustle! It’s a fire in our bellies, a drive to carve our own destinies. But even the most determined entrepreneur can stumble. Whether you’re selling agbada in Lagos or building apps in Abuja, here are seven common mistakes young Nigerian business owners make—and how to dodge them completely.

1. Not Knowing Your Numbers

Passion is great, but passion with a plan (and a budget) is greater. Many new businesses underestimate their expenses or overestimate their sales. This leads to cash flow problems faster than you can say “egusi soup.” Here’s the fix:

  • Befriend the Spreadsheet Gods: Learn basic accounting principles. Track your income and expenses religiously. There are free and affordable accounting apps to help you.
  • Price Like a Pro: Don’t just guess what your product or service is worth. Research your competitors and factor in production costs to set a profitable price.

2. Chasing Every Shiny Opportunity

Focus is everything. Trying to be everything to everyone is a recipe for disaster. You’ll spread yourself too thin and end up a jack of all trades, master of none. Here’s how to stay laser-focused:

  • Who Are You Gonna Serve? Define your ideal customer. What are their needs and wants? Tailor your product or service specifically to them.
  • The Niche is Mighty: Don’t be afraid to specialize. There’s a market for everything, from handcrafted phone cases to organic dog treats. Find your niche and dominate it.

3. The One-Man Show

Building a business is a marathon, not a sprint. You’ll need help, even if it’s just for moral support (and maybe social media management). Here’s how to build your dream team:

  • Delegate Like a Boss: Identify tasks you can outsource or delegate. Free up your time to focus on what only you can do.
  • Squad Goals: Network with other young entrepreneurs. Collaborate, learn from each other, and maybe even find a business partner.

4. Website? Who needs one?

In today’s digital age, not having a website is like opening a shop with no sign. It’s your online storefront, your chance to make a great first impression. Here’s how to get your digital space set up:

  • DIY or Hire a Pro: There are user-friendly website builders out there. If your budget allows, consider hiring a web developer for a more customized look.
  • Content is King: Create high-quality content that showcases your product or service and attracts potential customers. Blog posts, product videos, and social media engagement are all key.

5. Marketing on a Wing and a Prayer

Spreading the word about your business is crucial. But random flyers and endless cold calls won’t get you very far. Here’s how to market like a pro:

  • Social Media Savvy: Identify the platforms your target audience uses most (think Instagram for fashion or Twitter for tech) and establish a strong presence there.
  • The Power of Networking: Attend industry events, join online forums, and connect with potential customers and collaborators.

6. Customer service? You need It

Your customers are the lifeblood of your business. Treat them with respect, and go the extra mile to ensure their satisfaction. Here’s how to build customer loyalty:

  • Respond Promptly: Address customer inquiries and concerns as soon as possible. Make them feel heard and valued.
  • Feedback is Your Friend: Actively seek feedback from your customers. Use it to improve your product or service and tailor your offerings to their needs.

7. Don’t Ignore the Competition

Keeping an eye on your competitors is essential. It helps you understand the market landscape and identify potential opportunities. Here’s how to stay ahead of the curve:

  • Learn from the best: Analyze how your competitors are marketing themselves and what’s working for them. Don’t copy, but use their strategies as inspiration.
  • Innovate and Differentiate: Find ways to set yourself apart from the competition. Offer a unique product feature, exceptional customer service, or a creative marketing campaign.

Remember, young entrepreneurs, even the most successful business owners make mistakes. The key is to learn from them, adapt, and keep moving forward. With focus, determination, and a little bit of savvy, you can turn your Nigerian hustle into a thriving

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