Top 5 Innovative Renewable Energy Projects In West Africa

Top 5 Innovative Renewable Energy Projects In West Africa

A pipeline of innovative renewable energy projects being built in West Africa is propelling the region toward sustainable solutions. Mauritania will highlight the region’s renewable energy opportunities to global investors at the upcoming MSGBC Oil, Gas & Power conference, which is coordinated by Energy Capital & Power.

Future energy solutions will necessitate innovation, as both the energy transition and fuel security are important objectives for West Africa.

Wave energy in Ghana, wave-powered desalination in Cabo Verde, thorium prospecting in Nigeria, biofuel building in Senegal and Mauritania, and a biogas program in Senegal are just a few of the unique renewable energy initiatives that are now taking center stage.

Renewable energy projects

Thorium Exploration in Nigeria

Wildsky Resources, a Canadian mining corporation, began an exploration campaign in Nigeria in 2022 that focuses on Niobium-Thorium exploration licenses – a greener alternative to uranium for nuclear power generation.

The business has undertaken mapping and surveys that have identified significant Niobium-Thorium anomalies. Drilling shallow holes for further study is being planned.

Thorium is more abundant than uranium, produces less waste, and has a lower potential for use in nuclear weapons. China is heavily investing in Thorium, while India has used it in third-generation reactors.

Ada Foah Wave Energy Project in Ghana

Ghana’s wave energy potential, estimated at 7,215 MW, has piqued the interest of renewable energy developers, with the Ada Foah Wave Energy Project recently being revived thanks to a collaboration between American energy infrastructure company TC Energy; engineering firm Power China Huadong Engineering Corporation; and wave energy developer Seabased.

The initiative aims to build a wave energy park in the Gulf of Guinea capable of producing 1,000 MW of power while using ecologically friendly technologies.

The initiative expects to generate up to $2 billion in investment, with over $10 million already secured. The Ghana Standards Authority will ensure the safety and quality of the product, with the cost of electricity generated expected to average between three and four cents, compared to hydropower and thermal which costs 10 cents. The innovative project will not only ensure the provision of sustainable energy supply in Ghana but will reduce the reliance on hydrocarbons.

Wave2O Project in Cabo Verde

The innovative Wave2O program aims to help Cabo Verde achieve its goal of transitioning to 50% renewable energy by 2030. The Wave2O Project will consist of the development of a reverse-osmosis desalination plant powered solely by wave energy.

Wave2O technology is a proprietary seawater desalination process that couples technology company Resolute Marine’s wave energy converters with onshore desalination and electricity generation plants. The pilot project in Cape Verde, supported by the African Development Bank, will assess the feasibility of the technology and pave the way for a commercial pilot.

Typha Fuel and Construction Project in Senegal and Mauritania

The Typha Combustible Construction Afrique de l’Ouest/West Africa project utilizes the invasive plant, typha, as a biofuel and construction material. This innovative approach aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable practices in the energy and construction sectors.

The project’s components include managing the typha resource, producing biofuel, developing typha-based building materials, and promoting awareness and training. By controlling typha invasion, creating market conditions for biofuel, and integrating typha into construction practices, the project seeks to mitigate climate change and enhance local capacities for a greener future.

Biogas Program in Senegal

Senegal’s National Biogas Program intends to fulfill the country’s high demand for energy services, notably cooking fuel, which is currently supplied primarily by firewood and charcoal. The government is looking for alternate alternatives, like as residential biogas production, to reduce the detrimental effects on health and the environment.

The program focuses on building biodigesters for rural homes as a sustainable source of fuel.

It also intends to develop a viable market for biodigesters and to manufacture organic fertilizer to boost agricultural production. The program’s goals include constructing thousands of biogas units, increasing financial availability, and building partnerships for long-term development.