Stop Cleaning Your Ear! Reasons Why You Should Protect Your Ear

Stop Cleaning Your Ear! Reasons Why You Should Protect Your Ear

If you were thinking of cleaning your ear or you are doing it while reading this, you need to STOP! Do you know that you can do more harm while trying to clean your ear? Doctors recommend that you avoid putting things into your ear and make sure that it stays dry.

How to clean your ears without using cotton buds | Metro News

While a few people only stick to cotton boards or q-tips, the special human beings amongst us use other things like a stick of broom, a match stick, cover of a pen, a finger, paper, and other unclean pointed objects they can find. That sounds somehow right?

Cleaning your ears with unclean objects puts you at risk of an infection which could lead to loss of hearing. Some persons clean their ears every minute of the day and looking at the image below, it looks like the cotton board is close to her brain.

3D Cleaning by James Curran on Dribbble

The best way to clean your ear is by using an earwax softener or asking your doctor to remove the wax. Here’s why you should not clean your ears yourself.


Inserting a cotton board or foreign object into the ear can damage the ear canal or eardrum, or push earwax farther into the canal, making it harder to remove. This may cause a feeling of pressure in the ear and diminished hearing. Even worse, clumps of earwax pushed down near the eardrum can lead to painful ear infections.

EarShovel® - The #1 Smartest Ear Wax Removal Tool


Ear wax (cerumen) is your ears’ own cleaning solvent. The ear wax traps dirt and dust entering the ear canal, preventing it from slipping deeper down. Earwax is a helpful and natural part of your body’s defences that cleans, lubricates and protects your ear canal by trapping dirt and slowing the growth of bacteria.

Loss of hearing

Some people have ear wax problems that need to be addressed with ear wax removal or by their doctors but never with swabs, constant cleaning of your ear, pushing the wax to the back, jabbing your eardrum and putting in unclean objects can lead to loss of hearing.

Function of the ear wax

The ear wax is a natural product, it is not a virus to the body nor is it considered a taboo. Functions of the earwax include: natural moisturizer, prevents the skin inside the ear from becoming too dry, traps dirt and dust before they can reach deep into the canal, absorbs dead skin cells and debris and prevents bacteria and other infectious organisms from reaching the inner ear.

Here’s how to protect your ears

  • Do not insert small objects into your ears. Avoid put object inside of your ear canal because it can cause injury to your eardrum.
  • Limit your exposure to loud noises. Wear protective headgear or earplugs when the noise gets too loud.
  • Take periodic breaks from using your headphones, and keep the volume low enough that no one else can hear your music. Do not raise the volume in your car’s sound system up too high either.
  • Dry out your ears after bathing or swimming to prevent swimmer’s ear. Use a cloth to wipe the outside of the ear, and tilt your head to help remove any additional water.
  • Pay attention to any hearing changes that occur with the use of certain medications. If you notice changes, balance issues, or ringing in your ears, contact your doctor.
  • See your doctor as soon as possible if you notice sudden pain, a loss of hearing, or if you have an ear injury.
BOCOOLIFE Ear Cleaner with Irrigation System by BOCOOLIFE — Kickstarter
Leave your ears alone!

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