Nigeria’s Active Telecom Subscribers Hit 150m


The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) on Tuesday said that active subscribers in the nation’s telecommunications industry stood at 150,262,066 in July.

The telecommunications umpire said in its Monthly Subscriber Data (MSD) that the active telecommunications service customers increased by 443,160 from the June 2016 figure of 149,818,906.

According to the data, 149,708,077 of the 150,262,066 active numbers subscribed to the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) network services.

The GSM operators’ active customers increased by 528,994 from 149,179,083 subscribers they recorded in June.

The Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) operators had 371,614 active users in July, indicating a decrease of 82,479 from the 454,092 customers they had in June.

Also, the monthly subscriber data showed that the Fixed Wired/Wireless networks’ consumers decreased to 164,114 in July, as they lost 6,425 customers to their record of 170,539 in June.

The chart revealed that the teledensity of the country’s telecommunications industry increased to 107.33 per cent in July, from 107.01 per cent in June.

NAN reports that teledensity statistics is used to measure the percentage of a country’s population with access to telecommunications services as determined from the subscribers’ base.

Nigeria’s teledensity is currently calculated by the NCC on a population of 140 million people.

NAN reports that there is an increase of 0.32 per cent in the teledensity of Nigeria in July.