June 12: Nigerians Deserve Good Leadership – Obi

June 12: Nigerians Deserve Good Leadership - Obi

Peter Obi, the Labour Party’s (LP) presidential candidate, says he will not back down in his campaign to offer Nigerians the leadership they deserve.

Obi said in a statement for Democracy Day that Nigerians should be encouraged to correct the mistakes of the 2023 elections.

According to the LP candidate, despite being under military rule, Nigerians indicated their unequivocal choice for true democracy on June 12, 1993, and chose a transparent voting system.

“Our votes reflected our true choice as a people. Our choice on that day defied divisions of ethnicity, religion, and region,” Obi said.

“It is these qualities that added up to make June 12 special in our search for true democracy.

“However, the current state of our politics tells a different story. Our democracy is deeply troubled while our nation’s destiny remains uncertain and precarious.

“We remain a nation in search of solutions to too many basic problems. One of these is the search for a credible electoral system that would command the trust, confidence, and belief of all Nigerians just like June 12 did.

“We should, therefore, use the commemoration of June 12 as an occasion to return to the true virtues of a truly democratic nation. We achieved that feat on June 12, 1993.”

He stated that Nigeria requires an electoral system that commands the faith of the people.

“This is in recognition of the tenets and core values of democracy, which rest on respect for the wishes of the people as expressed in their ballots,” Obi said.

“Above all, the government must respect and protect the institutions of the democratic state by respecting the social contract with the people by meeting their needs, obeying their wishes, and fulfilling the responsibilities of responsible governance as contained in the constitution.

“A cardinal responsibility of government in this regard is respect for the rule of law.”

He stated that Nigeria is living in an era in which “prevalent impunity, pervasive violence, and bloodletting” are undermining the core pillars of democracy.

“The trust gap between leaders and Nigerians continues to grow.” The trust and efficiency inadequacies in our recent elections clearly reveal this ailment.”

Obi advised Nigerians not to lose faith in “our democratic system’s inherent ability to self-correct.”

He underlined his dedication and conviction that a new Nigeria is feasible, saying that the desire of Nigerians for a nation of equity, justice, security, and peace is attainable.

“We are a nation blessed richly with human and natural resources,” he said.

“What we lack, are selfless leaders who are committed to the national interest, sustainable development, and innovative thinking that offers every Nigerian irrespective of ethnicity, religion, or social strata, the freedom of choice of abode, and protection of lives, property, and ordered liberties.

“These aspirations are real and achievable, and I hereby reiterate my promise to Nigerians that we will not relent in our fight to bring about leadership that will accord them the priority they deserve.”