Interesting Facts About Men’s Fears of Commitment and Relationships


Men by status should be strong and virile. Therefore, they hide all their phobias in order to appear fearless. It turned out that almost any man is a mess of various fears and phobias.

One of the most hated is the fear of losing physical strength and a similar fear of being untenable. To the rueful feelings can be added a fear that his girl will know about it.

Men don’t make a secret of their intimate relationships, but their sexual abilities should be evaluated only with an excellent mark. The joke about masculine dignity thrown in the bedroom, a hint at a weak temperament or a lack of skills in the art of love is so deeply and permanently wound that the fear of suffering the minute of fiasco pursues them all life. Let’s get acquainted with men’s commitment fears.

Why do men fear commitment?

Because in relationships, at work, in family, untenability begins to appear even more acute. Feel oneself strong and confident, never make mistakes, keep faith, be an indispensable specialist and make very good money – men bear on their shoulders a considerable burden of responsibility (especially when they date one of those beautiful VIP brides).

The dictates of society make high demands, and if a man doesn’t correspond to them, then he must mask his shortcomings. And this means that his life will be filled with fear of failure.

Why do men fear women?

Fear, which persecutes men even in childhood – is to be rejected by a woman. Men’s fear of rejection, of course, is a big problem, but even if it’s not about the love of his life, this fear will give odds to many other fears. To get acquainted with a girl, invite her to a date, give a special gift, disembosom himself and propose to her – the danger lies at every stage. Therefore, so many nice girls suffer from male indecisiveness.

In the list of reasons for fear of a beautiful woman, there are both naive and strange phrases. Why do men fear beautiful women?

It’s one of men’s biggest fears. They believe that it’s better to keep away from these ladies, because they:

  • immediately deny and ridicule;
  • always have a boyfriend;
  • choose a more attractive and secured friend;
  • leave without warning;
  • want a lot – money, power, sex;
  • love only for appearance and well-being;
  • aren’t faithful.

The fear of being ridiculed by someone, especially a girl and her friends, is also based on a reluctance to be an outsider. With a sense of humor everything can be fine, until jokes are directed at him. This fear makes a man quick-tempered and suspicious, and sometimes just an unbearable interlocutor in the company.

The male world is full of tough struggle and competition, so in a woman, a man is looking for an ally who can provide him moral support. In home environment men tend to relax and feel safe. That is why they value the convenience of family living and enter into marriage.

In addition, family is an indicator of well-being, which further stimulates its creation. A loner feels unclaimed with age, which means that he is afraid that all his life will be regarded as one big failure.

The fear of loneliness is inherent not only women but also men. And it’s much stronger than the fear of marriage and subsequent changes. That is why, for one reason or another, after breaking up with his girlfriend, a man doesn’t stay alone for long. So don’t be surprised if a bachelor suddenly decided to part with his imaginary freedom in favor of a woman. Most likely, he just realized how miserable his lonely life. And realizing this at once, men are afraid of loneliness all their life.

The nature of men is to be a hunter, so most of all he appreciates the girl he conquered with great difficulty. Sometimes it’s just necessary that a woman has other fans who will raise her in the eyes of her beloved and cannibalize him. It’s not about lovers, but about those who are just interested in a girl.

A man doesn’t want to lose the woman who provides him moral support, cares and praises him. And the most precious woman is the one who believes in him. With such a woman, he forgets about his fears and becomes happy.

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