Africa Wastes Over 1billion Tonnes of Food Yearly

Over one billion tonnes of food is wasted yearly in Africa as a result of poor storage facilities, limited cold storage and lack of constant power supply, LG Electronics findings revealed.

The giant electronics manufacturer at the launch of its new refrigerator,said:“This cannot continue because there is hunger everywhere, and as such ,we have introduced a five-star rated frost-free evercool smart inverter refrigerator to salvage food and it can be powered with inverter, solar panels or generator, ensur­ing that cooling is not in any way interrupted during power cuts.”

LG lamented that power supply in Nigeria is unstable with an average blackout time of eight hours per day; these outages have been of major concern to many households as it is apparent that most food would not remain safe in the refrigerator without power for long , as they go bad within four hours of power outage.

The Managing Director of LG Electronics, West Africa Operations, Mr. Seonghak Kim, said the launch of the new refrigerator was aimed at meeting the needs of Nigerian consumers distressed by constant power cuts, who feel the need to have fresher foods as well as innovative technologies and products.

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