How to Build a Good Business Brand


In the spirit of running a good business profitably, we sometimes forget the importance of connecting emotionally with our consumers. It is one thing to make enormous profit while selling your products and it is another to imprint the image of your products on the minds of people – that is why you need to “brand” well.

It is an awesome feeling to discover that your product comes to mind when consumers have need; when you establish a significant presence in the market that attracts and retain loyal consumers.

The compelling nature of BRANDING in business today has been swept under the carpet. When you ask a small business owner what their major objective is, they mention PROFIT. But what gives you an edge over your competitors requires a more subtle approach, which in turn can boost your overall objective.


Branding is a very important aspect of any business, large or small. It is a process involved in creating a unique name or image for a product in the consumers’ mind. Though simply defined, it embraces all progressive concepts in business.

The long lasting effect a product has on its consumers begins with how you define your business to yourself and your team. How would you brand your business? In branding you have to connect emotively to your customers, they have to be in it; it has to be telling them a story.  For example, Nike associates its products with star athletes; hoping customers will transfer their emotional attachment from the athlete to the product. For Nike, it’s not just the shoe’s features that sell the shoe, but your sentiments make you buy. The combined use of primary appeals is vital for effective brand positioning.


Do you have a weak business brand and you are in the process of building another? Consider these:

Define Your Brand

Have an understanding of the market and decide as to which segment of the market you want to affect. Research on your consumers’ needs and focus on creating a link. Knowing what you are about helps you concentrate and not be swayed by the wind of uncertainties.

Give Branding a Personality

When building a brand for your business it is imperative that you liken it to a person; with interests, feeling and values. You have to be decisive as to what satisfaction you intend to give to a particular group. You can’t be everything to everybody. Decide as to what void you want to feel.  Have an understanding of what triggers the fancy of your consumers and work with that.


Create Long-term Relationships with Your Consumers

You don’t have to offer promises your business can’t fulfil to help keep your consumers interested. Let them know what you are about, be both practical and theoretical about it, and they will find their way to you always when a need arises. Customer loyalty is built on honesty, quality and satisfaction.


Be Firm

Stand for who you are and what you believe in. Don’t go with just any flow, but be firm in your identity. When you already decide on the kind of impact you want to have on your consumers, don’t change because it’s not going as planned. Stick to your initial area of concentration and keep driving your point home.