CBN Flagoffs Common Data Template Initiative

CreditRegistry Services “CR Services (Credit Bureau) Plc”, Nigeria’s preferred Credit Bureau over the weekend completed the third batch of Common Data Template (CDT) capacity development training for Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) in Nigeria. This is to position the banks for smooth takeoffs of the template, adoption with a June 30, 2016 deadline prescribed by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).

The training aligns with CR Services’ objective to not just be regulatory compliant at all times, but to support subscribing institutions and industry operators to achieve the same. The training, which held at CR Services Multipurpose Hall, had representatives of several banks, including; Zenith Bank, Keystone Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, Wema Bank, GT Bank and Sterling Bank amongst others.

The Common Data Template being promoted by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), has the following features: Individual Borrower Template, Corporate Borrower Template, Principle Officers’ Template, Credit Information Template, Guarantors’ Information Template and Catalogue Values.

It was reported that some of the participants who lauded CR Services for this insightful initiative noted that they were impressed by the content of the training, noting that it has prepared their institutions for the CDT activation.

“As an industry leader providing Credit Bureau services to a wide ranging spectrum of subscribers, we make sure to keep our subscribers abreast of the latest developments to improve their business performance and quality” said CR Services Executive Director, Sales & Business Development, Mr. Godfrey Ebetaleye.

Managing Director/ CEO, Mrs. Jameelah Sharrieff-Ayedun, further said, “At CR Services, we have always created interactive platforms such as this to deliberate with our subscribers on key industry issues and developments. To remain a key part of our subscribers’ way of doing business, we must intently understand their business.

However, CDT capacity development training will enable the officials involved share perspectives and provide constructive feedback.