Sunderland Signs Partnership With Acacia

Sunderland AFC Signs Football Partnership with Acacia Mining

England’s Premier League football club, Sunderland AFC expanded its relationship across Africa with a new football partnership agreement it signed to help a Tanzanian company, Acacia Mining Plc with its community social responsibility (CSR).

The football partnership signed by the Black Cats would deliver its globally recognised community sports initiative to community sites across the north-west region of Tanzanian in support of Acacia CRS.

The partnership would  see the English club work with local football clubs in the Kahama and Tarime districts North West Tanzania.  Sunderland AFC would operate in these areas eight to 10 weeks a year, working to deliver Acacia Maendeleo Fund dedicated CSR programmes.

Sunderland’s head of international football development, Graham Robinson, who would be  delivering the partnership in Tanzania, was already familiar with the communities in which the club would be operating in and is excited to get started.

Graham said: “Community football is the starting point for many players and through our partnerships in Africa, we have a long-held commitment and reputation for investing in community and education programmes. The partnership with Acacia Mining through the Acacia Maendeleo Fund will allow us to fully deliver the programme over a sustained period of time, leading to a more successful initiative.”

Alongside Sunderland AFC’s partnership with Acacia Mining, the club has a long-standing partnership with Symbion Power, the highlight of which was the state of the art Jakaya M. Kikwete Youth Park in Dar es Salaam, where the club is providing technical and practical support to the park.

Sunderland AFC’s commercial director, Gary Hutchinson, said: “We are thrilled to further build upon our strong links with Tanzania thanks to this unique and exciting partnership with Acacia Mining.

“We have already implemented a number of significant community-based work across Africa, with particular emphasis on Tanzania and the club is making great progress in developing its international reputation. Building these positive relationships, from both a business and community perspective, are helping us to spread the message of Sunderland AFC, whilst making a tangible difference to local communities.”

Acacia Mining’s Vice President Corporate Affairs, Deo Mwanyika said, “This partnership is one of many community development programmes Acacia is conducting at our three mines.  We understand the importance of early education and talent building let it be in the class room or on a football pitch; we see this program providing that opportunity for our young to learn from professionals at the same time develop their passion and talent in football.

“We all know how important sport and particularly football can be for helping to develop key life skills and we will, with Sunderland, develop a group of young coaches who will help ensure that grassroots football flourishes and continues to impact young girls and boys in the Lake Zone for years to come.

“Sunderland will also work with Stand United to help build solid links to grassroots football in the region. As in all our work we will strive to ensure girls and young women are included and take the opportunity to have open and frank conversations about the importance of girls completing their secondary education.”