SF Market Launch Market Index Series to Boost Investments’ Confidence

SF Markets, an investment company has unveiled Scottfree Markets Nigeria Equity Index Series known as SFNG Equity Index Series, which is made up of SFNG Mid Cap 40 Index, SFNG Small Cap Index, SFNG Micro Cap Index, SFNG Broad Share Index and total Share Index.

The company launched the indices after commencing on research across the country on the Nigerian Equity indices in other to make full information available for both local and foreign investors to guide them on their investment decisions in the various economic sectors in the country.

During the launch of its website in Lagos, the company’s Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Adebusoye Sotinwa, explained that the new platform can present detailed information about bonds and equities of all sector within the country.

He also added that, there is need to create the platform for investors to get detailed information about the business they are interested in investing on in the country instead of running away for the fair of unknown circumstances.

Sotinwa explained, that the investors could get indices about each sector as well as each business on the stock market on daily basis as well as weekly or monthly basis, or as demanded by the investors depending on what information and data requested.

He later noted, that the SFNG index series has been designed to provide an independent insight into the performance of Nigerian equity market, adding that the indices would serve as a neutral reference for both local and foreign investors to access the economic development of the Nigerian economy or certain segments of it.

He concluded by saying that,“Investors can access these packages through various means which include File Transfer Protocol, FTP, email communications, directly from the SF Markets website, Solactive AG and select data vendors. Data files are available daily, monthly, periodically and as one-offs”.