IMF Proposes Reversal of Forex Restriction, Naira Devaluation

The International Monetary Fund, IMF, has proposed that Nigerian government lifts foreign exchange ban placed on some imported items and allow the naira to reflect market forces.

“As part of a credible package of policies, the exchange rate should be allowed to reflect market forces more and restrictions on access to foreign exchange removed, while improving the functioning of the interbank foreign exchange market (IFEM).” The IMF said in the end-of-mission statement released on Wednesday, February 24.

IMF further said eliminating existing macroeconomic imbalances and achieving sustained private sector-led growth requires a renewed focus on ensuring the competitiveness of the economy.

According to the IMF, it will be important for the regulatory and supervisory frameworks to ensure a strong and resilient financial sector that can support private sector investment across production segments (including SMEs) at reasonable financing costs.

Staff is supportive of the authorities’ ongoing efforts to promote targeted and core infrastructure (in power, integrated transport network, housing); reduce business environment costs through greater transparency and accountability, promote employment of youth and female populations.

The report said: “With oil prices expected to remain low for a long time, continuing risk aversion by international investors and downside risks in the global economy, the outlook remains challenging. The authorities’ policy response has focused on seeking to support growth, while preserving international reserves.”