JOHESU, AHPA Threatens to Cripple Health Sector Activities

The Joint Health Sector Unions (JOHESU) and Assembly of Healthcare Professional Associations (AHPA) have vowed to suspend activities in all federal government health facilities.

The JOHESU gave a 15-day ultimatum beginning February 3, 2016, after which they will resume their suspended strike if their 10 point demands are not met. This was included in a warning note issued to the government.

The unions decried the continued marginalisation of its members which contribute 95 percent of health care providers in the country.

Their demands include implementation of new circular on promotion of its members from CONHESS 14 to 15 as directors which places premium on the need to sanction defaulting hospital managements.

Other demands are the immediate and full payment of arrears of the skipping of CONHESS 10 which it said had remained outstanding since the year 2010. It also demanded that the federal ministry of health come up with a circular on residency programmes for all health professionals in Nigeria to ensure professional capacity development in the health sector and also sponsor an amendment bill to that effect.