Expert Urges Auditors To Upgrade Skill In New Digital World


The advancement of organizations in the digital age will require a new breed of internal auditors, according to Nath Ude, managing director and chief executive officer of Nova Merchant Bank Limited.

At the 52nd quarterly general meeting of the Association of Chief Audit Executives of Banks in Nigeria in Lagos, he made a presentation on the future of internal audit in an increasingly digital environment.

He said, “A new breed of internal auditors will be needed to move organisations forward in the digital world.

“Businesses must recognise and support this as our auditors are a vital part of our workforce – pieces of training, sessions, seminars, knowledge sharing, meetings and all other avenues where new technologies are discussed should have audit team members in attendance and continually learning to stay ahead of or at least in sync with the changes.

“The journey has already begun, the digital role of audit in each organisation must be defined, the mindsets and aspirations of internal auditors must be assessed and any roadblocks to the achievement of digital auditors must be identified and addressed by each organisation.”

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