Ways To Enjoy Being Single On Valentine

This Valentine, remember that your singlehood is not a burden or a curse. It’s the perfect opportunity to spend pure, unadulterated time with the source of your happiness and well-being as a single person.

There are ways to get out there and have a good valentine that doesn’t include moping around on your couch, so even if you’re not doing so great in the romance department this year, that doesn’t mean you can’t go out and enjoy yourself and celebrate the day.

Bitter? Who, you? Impossible with all of the amazing plans you’ve gotten worked out for yourself. You’ll be so busy having fun and letting loose this holiday that you won’t even remember you care about a relationship to begin with!

Valentine’s Day is not just a day to glorify romance, but a day to celebrate love in general — love for yourself, your friends, your community and for the world.

There’s more to love than just relationships. Here are ways you can celebrate being single on Valentine’s Day and being YOU!valentine singles 2

Indulge yourself.

Since Valentine’s Day is all about love, spend the day loving yourself. It makes perfect sense.

Play hooky from work (or just leave an hour early) and do whatever you want, be it pampering yourself with a lavish mani-pedi or staying home, ordering take out and binge-watching every movie your celeb crush has ever made.

Or binge-watch a full season of your favourite TV show on Netflix. After all, you have no one to please but your own self.

Fall in love with something new.

Interested in taking up yoga? Want to learn how to dance ballet? Wish you could cook risotto? Challenge yourself to do something you haven’t done before or seldom get to do because of your schedule.

Send love someone else’s way.

Studies show that kindness spreads, so start an epidemic. Give Valentine’s Day cards to those close to you, like your co-workers and friends, as well as those not so close to you.

Volunteer locally and help those less fortunate than you. Seeing a face light up from your small gesture will fill you with love and make the world a better place.

Participate in a “Secret Valentine” with your friends. 

Who needs a valentine when you and your girlfriends have each other? Round up your girls, draw names from a hat, and buy whomever you draw a little something.

Then, on V-Day, meet at a friend’s apartment to exchange gifts. Afterward, get all dolled up and enjoy a night out on the town. Try a karaoke bar, because let’s face it, when is karaoke anything but a good time?

Throw a party.

If gift-giving won’t go over with your group, invite your friends over to celebrate being fabulous.

Figure out what you want out of love.

Even if you don’t want to right now or don’t believe it will ever happen, everyone, including you, can fall in love. And it usually happens when you least expect it.

So take some time to write down a few love goals. Whether you want to remain single for 10 more years or want to start dating this month, that clarity makes it that much easier to get there.

Your Tango.