WAGPA: Nigerian Appointed DG

The West Africa Gas Pipeline Authority (WAGPA), has appointed a Nigerian, Chafari Kanya, as its Director-General.

WAGPA is an international organisation established by a treaty between Nigeria, Benin, Togo and Ghana to regulate trans-border gas pipeline laid from offshore Nigeria to the four countries.

Kanya, who was appointed at the elections of the body, hails from the Hong Local Government Area of Adamawa State.

Governor Ahmadu Fintiri, in his congratulatory message to the Adamawa indigene signed by his Chief Press Secretary, Humwashi Wunosikou, described her victory as “path-breaking, and a matter of immense pride not just to WAGPA, but for all Adamawa and Nigerian citizens”.

Fintiri expressed positiveness that Kanya would make a difference, having served the organisation in different capacities before her elevation to the position of director-general, saying the organisation made the right choice.

He said, “I could not be prouder to congratulate the next director-general. I know Chafari will do the job with the best interest of everyone, whether or not she had their votes.

“I am certain that WAGPA is set for transformation and consolidation of achievements of the outgoing director-general. Her emergence is not just victory to Nigeria, but WAGPA, that would experience continuity in terms of standard and decorum in administration. Many are counting on you to lead the way. By voting you, WAGPA has proved again that the unity of the organisation is strong.”

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