Volkswagen to Manufacture Mobile Chargers for Electric Vehicles


Volkswagen Group has announced it will start series production of its flexible fast charging station from 2020 onwards.

The station, based on the principle of a powerbank, can charge up to four vehicles at the same time and also be used for the interim storage of eco-power.

The station is to be produced at the Hanover components plant, where heat exchanger production, forming part of the engine business area, will be replaced step-by-step by a new e-mobility business area.

Thomas Schmall, CEO of Volkswagen Group Components, said: “The development of charging infrastructure will be a key factor in the success of e-mobility. The flexible fast charging station developed by Group Components can make a key contribution in this area. This is confirmed by the considerable interest shown by potential partners. The charging station is an element in the end-to-end responsibility of Group Components for the high-voltage battery – from the development of cell production competences through to recycling. At the same time, the transformation of heat exchanger production at the Hanover components plant will provide sustainable prospects for the future in the new e-mobility business area.”

The charging station is based on the battery package of the Volkswagen Group’s Modular Electric Toolkit (MEB) and is designed to use its cell modules. Later, the charging station will provide a second life for batteries from electric vehicles. A battery loses charging capacity over time. When a vehicle battery has reached a defined, reduced residual capacity, it will be replaced. If this battery subsequently passes a thorough analysis, it can be reused in a mobile charging station.

In the UK Volkswagen has partnered Tesco in plans for a network of 2,400 chargers across 600 Tesco stores, powered by Pod Point.