US President Donald Trump Promises Cure for Aids, Cancer

Donald Trump

U.S. President Donald Trump has promised that America would “very soon” find cure for AIDS and childhood cancer.

The president made the promise at a rally in Cincinnati, Ohio in continuation of a similar promise during his June campaign kickoff when he vowed to come up with the cures to many diseases including cancer and others.

“We’re getting closer all the time.”

“We will achieve new breakthroughs in science and medicine.

“I see what they are doing. I see it; they show me.

“The things we are doing in our country today. There’s never been anything like it. We will be ending the AIDS epidemic shortly in America, and curing childhood cancer very shortly,” Trump said Thursday night.

Watch Trump in the video below:

Trump promises America will 'cure' AIDS and childhood cancer 'very shortly'

Source: NAN

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