US House Of Reps. Impeaches Trump

Pentagon Boss Feared Trump's Attempt To Suspend US Constitution

US President Donald Trump has been impeached, making him the first in the history of the country to be impeached twice.

The article of impeachment was read by the speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday.

In the move to impeach Trump, the total vote count was 232 to 197, with 5 Republicans abstaining, while 10 voted in favour of impeachment.

The Senate will decide whether Trump will be formally charged and convicted of the charges brought against him before he is removed from office.

The House of Representatives impeached Trump on the basis of inciting and “insurrection”, over the invasion of the US Capitol by pro-Trump supporters last week Wednesday in a bid to stop the certification of President-elect Joe Biden.

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Trump’s removal from office is coming just a few days before the inauguration of Joe Biden on January 20.

He Must Go

Pelosi said that Trump had incited an insurrection, an “armed rebellion” against the United States, adding that “he must go”.

She said, “The president of the United States incited this insurrection, this armed rebellion against our common country.

“He must go. He is a clear and present danger to the nation that we all love.”

A congressman from the Democratic Party, Julián Castro, described Trump as the “most dangerous man to occupy the Oval Office”.