University Professor Accuses NUC Of Collecting Bribes To Accredit Courses

The Nigerian Academy of Science has accused some of the officials of the National Universities Commission, especially those who conduct accreditation in the nations’ universities of collecting bribes.

The NAS also accused the commission of allowing government’s interference in carrying out accreditation of courses in carrying out accreditation of courses in universities.

President of the association, Prof. Oyewale Tomori, who stated this while delivering a convocation lecture titled, “Building a New Generation University: Problems and Prospects”, at the University of Abuja, said the NUC has derailed from its mandate as a regulatory body of university education to become a tool of the government.

Calling on the commission to engage only people with integrity in carrying out accreditation, he stressed the need for a change of attitude by academics in the country.

The NAS President, who also lamented the use of an archaic benchmark by the commission in its accreditation operations, warned that Nigerian universities would continue to produce unemployable graduates if the trend was not reviewed.