“Tradenigeria.ng” Launched For Nigerian Market

In a bid to promote and develop businesses in Nigeria, Tradenigeria.ng, an interactive business-based platform anchored on promoting entrepreneurship, business development and market growth was launched recently.

Speaking at the launch, Ms. Michelle Smellie, director of Tradenigeria.ng said, “With Nigeria’s current economy no longer relying on oil and gas, the silver lining is that this creates more opportunity for innovation and entrepreneurship to emerge. Nigerians are entrepreneurial by nature, and combining this drive with technology is one of the clear ways to ensure that businesses are highlighted and receive the traffic and client interest that they need in order to succeed.”

She added that “Nigeria is a tough market and there are those that are sinking and those that are swimming. TradeNigeria.ng aims to be the support system for everyone looking to develop and grow their Nigerian based businesses, including global companies entering the market.”

Advertising and digital marketing is a great way to engage your clients as Nigeria has the highest number of internet users in Africa, however, the tradenigeria,ng model is not advertising, but creating awareness through the sharing of your company story, which engage your core audience.

The well-priced and digital marketing solutions that Tradenigeria.ng offers allow your clients to be targeted. By telling your story through Trade Nigeria, you will effectively reach your potential clients and in turn, translate your products and/or story into sales and growth.