Top 7 Ways To Treat Dandruff

Top 7 Ways To Treat Dandruff

Dandruff is a condition which causes the skin on the scalp to flake and it is not contagious.

Dandruff is a common condition that causes the skin on the scalp to flake. It isn’t contagious or serious.

Top 7 Ways To Treat Dandruff

Tree Oil

Tree oil is a great remedy for dandruff. If you react easily, add a portion of tree oil to your shampoo, hair cream or conditioner.

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Anti-dandruff Shampoo, Conditioner

This right here is one of the tested and trusted methods for treating dandruff. The menthol in the shampoo and conditioner helps keep you scalp safe from dandruff and it keeps your scalp mosturized.

Regular wash

Irregular washing of your hair, gives way for dandruff to stay on your hair. Wash your hair as required to keep out the dirt and dandruff.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil keeps your hair mosturized. The nutrients/vitamins in coconut oil gives you scalp a royal treatment and meal.

Anti-dandruff hair cream

Hair cream is food for your scalp, dry scalp results in itchy scalp and dandruff, you need to keep your hair healthy. Anti-dandruff hair cream fights off the existing and potential dandruff. The menthol in the hair cream helps your scalp stay alive. Moisturize your hair always.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has a lot of benefits for your face, your skin and even your hair. Aloe vera helps to strengthen, soften and mosturize the hair.
Add a healthy portion of aloe vera to your hair, make sure that it gets to your scalp. If you have a shower cap, you can make use of it, you can leave it in your hair over night or 30 minutes-2 hours. Wash it off with warrm water, shampoo and conditioner.

Healthy food

Believe it or not what you eat affects your stomach, your face and even your hair. Healthy food keeps your body nurished, even your scalp. The scalp needs nutrients and vitamins to thrive.