Top 7 Reasons To Invest In Landed Property Over A Car

#1: Land is an asset that appreciates in value over time. A car depreciates in value with time.

#2: Land is always acceptable as a collateral for bank loans, a car is not.

#3: Baring a natural disaster, land will be there forever. A car will eventually end up as scrap.

#4: A piece of land can be used for different purposes before being finally developed, a car has limited uses.

#5: You can lease out your land to investors and earn rent, while it still continues to appreciate in value. A car is invariably subjected to wear and tear from constant use, even if it brings in profit, it will be for a limited period of time

#6: And old property undergoing depreciation (obsolescence) can be redeveloped. The same cannot be said of a car. Even if you refurbish it’s value in the market would still have depreciated.

#7: The value depreciation of a car begins the moment you pay for it, whereas the value appreciation of land begins the moment it is acquired.