Shell Donates N1billion e-library to Literary Society

International Oil firm operating in Nigeria, Shell PetroleumDevelopment Corporation, SPDC, has donated an e-library to the Port Harcourt Literary Society

The N1.03 billion library is one of the N2 billion social investment projects Shell sponsored in the Niger Delta to mark Nigeria’s centenary anniversary.Other projects are a hospital and sports centre in Bayelsa and Delta states.

Shell spent N790 million on the project that was implemented via a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Port Harcourt Library Society, which contributed N240 million.

Managing Director,  Shell Petroleum and Development Company of Nigeria Limited (SPDC) and Country Chair Shell Companies in Nigeria, Osagie Okunbor, said: “SPDC invested exclusively on this library project because of its strong conviction that it will deliver significant benefits and positively impact the lives of the people.”

“We are pleased to deliver an ultra-modern public library that would rank as one of the biggest and most IT-driven in the country. The feedback we’re receiving shows that the literary scene in the Garden City has already changed,” he added.

The National Librarian Prof Lenrie Aina said the facility, named Port Harcourt Literary Society Library, was the “first complete public library in Nigeria.”

Rivers State Deputy Governor Dr. Ipalibo Banigo, represented by her Senior Special Assistant, Mrs. Inegogo Fubara, thanked SPDC for supporting the state government’s desire to provide sustainable and affordable education to the people.

Port Harcourt Literary Society Board of Trustees Chairman Dr Chidi Amuta said the library was designed to be the heart of the Port Harcourt Book Centre that was originally conceived to commemorate the recognition of Port Harcourt by UNESCO