Senate Dismisses Calls for Saraki’s Resignation

Senate President, Bukola Saraki at the Code of Conduct Tribunal

The Senate has dismissed the calls by some lawmakers, especially the Ahmed Lawan Senate Unity Forum’s, that Senate President, Bukola Saraki should resign his position as the Senate President following an alleged criminal case that is currently hanging on his ‘neck.’

In the course of last week,  Supreme Court  ruled that the Senate President, Bukola Saraki must face trial at the Code of Conduct Tribunal,CCT, some anti-Saraki senators, under the umbrella of the Senate Unity Forum, SUF, have called for his resignation as the leader of the Upper Legislative Chamber.

The group while affirming that a person answering criminal charges could not lead the Senate, called for his resignation from the Office of the Senate President so that he could concentrate on his trial at the CCT.

But reacting to the call in a statement issued on Monday by the Chairman Senate Committee on Media and Public Affairs, Senator Aliyu Sabi Abdullahi, the Senate said that after a meeting in Abuja yesterday (Sunday) by some Senators as well as the wide consultations with their colleagues in which last Friday’s decision of the Supreme Court in the appeal on the preliminary matters filed by the Senate President, Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki, on the charges filed against him at the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT), was reviewed, they have resolved that all calls for Saraki’s resignation were done in bad faith and must be disregarded.

The Senators also cautioned against all forms of distraction, noting that the Senate under Saraki had achieved some level of stability. They advised the general public to ignore some few Senators agitating for Saraki’s removal, saying they were only doing the wish of their paymasters.