Scourge Of Societal Vices Impeding Nigeria’s Development – Gambo

Scourge Of Societal Vices Impeding Nigeria's Development - Gambo

Identifying maritime and societal vices that have sabotaged Nigeria’s development, was the Chief of the Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Awwal Gambo.

Gambo mentioned acts such as sea robbery, piracy, crude oil theft, human trafficking, among others as impediments to the nation’s growth.

He said this at the opening ceremony of the Chief of Naval Staff Annual Conference (CONSAC) 2021 in Kano.

“Consequently, the present situation calls for constant reappraisals, greater collaboration as well as inter-agency cooperation among stakeholders,” he said.

“In recent times, some federal and local initiatives were initiated towards ensuring greater productivity of security efforts.

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“The Nigeria Navy is saddled with the mandate to secure our maritime environment which possesses strategic importance to the nation’s economy.

“As such, the current security threats in the environment are of serious concern to all us as Nigerians. What is perhaps more disturbing is that much of the criminal activities in our maritime environment are directed at the economic lifeline of Nigeria.

“In other words, the scourge of illegalities, such as sea robbery, piracy, crude oil theft, poaching, human and illicit trafficking of weapons and drugs among others constitute serious challenges to the development of the country and the region at large.”

The naval boss added that the threats faced in the maritime sector have become a grave concern for the country posing tougher challenges for the Navy and stakeholders.

“Characteristically, the maritime threats have become of major concern and are evolving and challenging the combat capability of the Nigerian Navy and other stakeholders.

Continuing, the CNS said, “In the recent past, a huge capability gap has emerged among the Stakeholders in the efficient discharge of their constitutional mandates.

“I, therefore, believe that this Conference would provide a veritable platform to proffer workable solutions in fine-tuning Nigerian Navy efforts at securing our maritime environment. It is hoped that this forum will facilitate the needed discourse towards identifying viable concepts and constructive collaborative action plans that will support this strategic level initiative.

“It is against this backdrop, that the theme of this Conference: “Enhancing Nigeria’s Maritime Security for Improved National Prosperity”, was conceptualized. The objective of the Conference, therefore, is to elicit proper understanding and develop strategies that will enhance our collective effort to meet present and emerging maritime challenges in our strategic environment.”